Hepatitis B in children

Hepatitis B in Children: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment in Children

Hepatitis B in children, causes, symptoms and treatment in children

In this article, we discussed an important topic so that by reading this material, you will get comprehensive and useful information about hepatitis B disease in children. Stay with us until the of this article.

The first thing you should do is to diagnose hepatitis B by is to diagnose hepatitis B by doctor by providing a detailed description of the disease by the person or the child`s parents.

Un for ternately, according to the obtained statistics, hepatitis B disease is more common in street children and working children.


What is Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B antiinflammation of the liver, and when the liver goes out of its normal state, its function is disrupted, and because hepatitis is an infectious disease, its transmission power is much higher.
In many cases, when the disease is diagnosed earlier, recovery is achieved within 2 months without the need for special treatment just by resting and observing the diet.
But if hepatitis lasts more than 6 months, it becomes a chronic disease and damages the liver and this damage causes liver
ulcer, liver cancer or liver cirrhosis, chronic liver inflammation.
In adults, the disease is almost cured in the initial stage, but in children, because the disease is diagnosed later it turns into chronic hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B in children

Causes of Hepatitis B

When we are in contact with blood in faceted with hepatitis B
Viruses enter the body, such as unsafe injections, or in jesting drugs through blood vessels.
Having multiple anal and vaginal sex and contact with body fluids such as semen and vaginal secretions, and homosexuals are infected with hepatitis B due to having anal sex.

Hepatitis Bis is transmitted from a mother with hepatitis B to the body during childbirth because the baby is in contact with the blood and vaginal secretions of the mother during delivery.
But before birth, the hepatitis B virus can not enter the gestational sac and the body will not be in faceted with hepatitis B before birth.

Be sure to inform your doctor before giving birth to prevent the transmission of hepatitis B to the body.at this time the body will receive the first dose of the hepatitis B vaccine along with an ampoule of immunoglobulin containing anti-virus a tribadies within 12 hours.
The second dose of the vaccine at 2 months he receives the third dose at 6 months.


Hepatitis B Symptoms in Children

Hepatitis B symptoms in children are different from adults.
But most of the time, hepatitis B in children does not have any specific symptoms, this is because we find out about the HBV virus infection in children later.


Symptoms of Hepatitis B Children include:

1-Cold or flu
2- Jaundice of the skin
3-yellowing of the whites of the eyes
5-Nausea and vomiting
9-Painful joints
10-Dark or brown urine
11-Light or white stools

If the child has such symptoms it is better to see a doctor for a more accurate diagnosis. So that she can diagnose the disease by performing detailed tests which helps you in the healing.


Diagnosis of Hepatitis B Disease in Children

To diagnose HBV, the doctor asks about the history of the disease or whether someone in the family has hepatitis B.
The doctor examines the patient to find out the inflammation and swelling in the liver.
To complete the diagnosis process, the doctor requests a blood test to find out if the HBV in fiction is acute or chronic.
If the result of the blood test confirms the presence of HBV in fiction, the doctor prescribes more tests to know when the hepatitis disease is acute or chronic.
If the doctor is sure that your child has hepatitis B, he will order an elastography of the liver to diagnose liver damage.

The doctor requests a liver biopsy for a more detailed analysis in this method, a thin needle is inserted into the through the skin and some liver tissue is removed, the removed sample is sent to pathology in apology, according to the results obtained from the biopsy, it is, diagnosed at what stage your disease is and how much of the liver is involved in the disease.
After receiving the tests, the doctor starts the treatment.


Hepatitis B Treatment

To prevent the disease, the best way is to vaccinate the people of society against this disease.
The first stage of treatment begins with the injection of the hepatitis B vaccine and (H-B-I-G) globulin. The duration of the hepatitis B illness is important because if you inject the globulin vaccine within 12 hours of the illness, the necessary antibodies are activated in the body to fight the hepatitis B infection.
Hepatitis Bin children are treated with medication.
People who do not have acute conditions of the disease will recover completely after a course of treatment.
For treatment, the doctor prescribes drugs that reduce the activity of the virus and prevent damage to the liver.

Any patient suffering from hepatitis B infection should avoid self-treatment.
By having enough rest and eating healthy foods drinking non-alcoholic fluids and drug therapy, the disease will improve.

I also suggest you read the article “What is Hepatitis B“.

Tell me in the comments section if your child has hepatitis B disease.

Dr. Aishen

Dr. Aishen is a doctor specializing in relief and rescue, with a professional doctorate in aid and relief, who obtained a specialty in aid and rescue after completing a general medical course and is currently cooperating with the Red Cross and Red Crescent Organization. Because of his interest in writing and informing others, he works as an editor and writer with usamedicalaid.com.

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