What are The Symptoms of Anemia and Types of Anemia and Ways to Prevent and Treat This Disease?

What are the symptoms of anemia and types of anemia and ways to prevent and treat this disease?

If the number of red blood cells is lower than normal, it causes the hemoglobin in the blood to absurd less oxygen from the lungs.

The human body needs iron to produce hemoglobin.  If less hemoglobin is produced in the body, less oxygen reaches the body’s organs and the body loses sufficient efficiency for work and activity.

Anemia is more common among women but the possibility of anemia in children and men is also not far from expected.

Anemia has many causes, such as iron deficiency, folic acid deficiency, and vitamin B12 deficiency.


What are the signs and symptoms of anemia?

Anemia has different signs and symptoms depending on the severity of anemia.

1-Fatigue is more common in people with anemia.

2-Paleness of the face and the inside of the eyelids and lips.

3-chronic headaches such as lightheadedness, and dizziness.

4- shortness of the breath

5-Inflammation in the tongue and inside the mouth.

6-Thining and brittle nails.

7-Hand and feet are always cold.

8-Prolonged headaches such as light headedness.

9-Desire to eat chalk, paper, clay,

10-sever heart palpitations


Type of anemia:

Hemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to all the organs of the body.

IDA iron deficiency anemia

The body needs iron to make hemoglobin when the body loses its blood

Anemia caused by iron deficiency is more common in long periods, such as internal ulcers cancer, and a diet that lacks iron.

Intestinal diseases also cause a lack of absorption of iron in the body.

Megaloblastic vitamin deficiency anemia

Megaloblastic anemia that occurs with vitamin deficiency in the body.

Megaloblastic anemia usually occurs due to insufficient intake of vitamin B12 and folic acid in the body.

Vitamin B12 deficiency occurs when the body’s immune system attacks the stomach cells and disrupts the absorption of vitamin Nutrition is one of the most important factors in getting folate in the body.

Start taking folic acid medicine for 3 months before pregnancy to avoid folate deficiency during pregnancy.



Thalassemia is a hereditary and genetic disease that is passed from parents to children in this disease, nutrition has no effect on anemia

Thalassemia is caused by a gene mutation in the blood Because of this, alpha and beta are not produced in the blood the lack of alpha and beta means that hemoglobin does not absorb enough oxygen.

Beta thalassemia: this genetic disease is transmitted from parents to children, which id minor and major.

The symptoms of this disease are not seen at birth, but as the body grows older after 6 months, it shows itself with paleness and sleep disturbance.

When the child gets a little older the symptoms of the disease change the size of the liver and spleen, the widening of the bones the change of the faces shows itself more

For these children’s blood is injecting deferral ampoules, and extension is removed from the body people with relatives of anemia should not get married, and if they do get married they must be under the supervision of a doctor in odder to give birth to healthy children.


Stage of diagnosis of anemia:

First, the doctor asks for a blood test to determine the level of anemia.

In this test, by performing CBC, the amount of red blood cells white blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelets are counted.


Anemia treatment solutions:

1-It is recommended to have a diet plan containing iron and various to treat anemia.

Foods that are rich in protein such as chicken, fish, and lamb leafy vegetables also contain iron, but vegetable iron, but vegetable iron is not absorbed in the body.

2-Taking chemical drugs such as vitamin B12 and folic acid, iron, ferrous sulfate, and fefol are prescribed for quick treatment of anemia.






Dr. Aishen

Dr. Aishen is a doctor specializing in relief and rescue, with a professional doctorate in aid and relief, who obtained a specialty in aid and rescue after completing a general medical course and is currently cooperating with the Red Cross and Red Crescent Organization. Because of his interest in writing and informing others, he works as an editor and writer with usamedicalaid.com.

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