What is Cancer

What is Cancer? Explanations about Cancer

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a genetic disorder in which normal cell growth is disrupted.
Cancer is caused by a mutation in DNA, which causes the cell to proliferate excessively.
In some cases, the gene mutation is hereditary. But sometimes environmental factors also cause cancer.

Gene mutations include the following:

1-Physical carcinogens such as radioactive rays, and UV rays.
2-Chemical carcinogens such as cigarette smoke, alcohol air pollution, and contaminated food and water.
3-Biological cancer: viruses, parasites, bacteria.


How Does Cancer Form in the Body?

Cancer is one of the most common diseases that affect many people around the world.
Cancer is a disease that starts from one part of the body and if not diagnosed, it can affect the whole body.
Cancer is a disease that strikes fear into the heart of all mem hers of society.
This disease is difficult to treat and most of the time people with cancer die.
Cancer is caused by the uncontrolled growth of body cells.
In a normal state, in the body of a healthy person, old cells give way to young cells.
Which are produced by the tissues are replaced, but the cancerous cells cause the old cells not to be destroyed, but to multiply and successive divisions cause tissue masses called [tumors] in the body.


What is cancer and how does it form in the body?

What are the signs and symptoms of cancer?

Is there a season for getting cancer?

What are the ways to diagnose the disease?

These questions may arise for all members of society, we will answer all questions in the following article.


What is Cancer

How does Cancer Form?

When genes work properly, cells grow and divide properly. When the cells divide, they make a precise cell, 1 cell divides into 2 cells of the same shape, and then 2 cells divide into 4 cells, and this process continues.

The body’s normal cells and cancer cells are substantially distinct from one another.
Cancer cells have gene mutations that transform the cell from a normal cell into a cancer cell there are as many types of cancer as there are cancer cells this mutation is either hereditary or comes from the surrounding environment
Such as cigarette smoke, alcohol, and UV rays from the sun.
Cancer occurs at different at different ages, but with increasing age, the probability of getting cancer increases.


Tumors are divided into several categories:

Tumors are divided into two categories,
Benign and malignant tumor

A benign tumor grows but does not spread in the body but after growth, the malignant tumor attacks the surrounding tissues and spreads in the body.


Signs of Cancer in The Body

Weight loss, fatigue, skin changes, persistent cough, changes in breasts, loss of appetite, bleeding between periods in women, pain and lumps in the testicles, changes in urination, changes in bowel function, and anemia.


Does getting Cancer Have a Specific Cancer?

Genetic mutations are sometimes hereditary and sometimes environmental factors affect the body.
Environmental factors such as: radioactive rays and ultraviolet rays (UV) cigarette smoke, alcohol, air pollution, and contaminated food and water.


What are the ways to diagnose cancer?

X-rays, CT scans, bone scans, genetic tests, blood tests, tumor sampling, endoscopy, colonoscopy, cystoscopy, laryngoscope mammography, and ERCP.


Ways to Prevent Cancer

Hereditary and genetic factors are beyond our control.
But we can change our lifestyle.

1-Doing physical activities, sports like yoga and walking.
2-Do not use tobacco tobacco smoke contains 7000 chemicals, at least 250 of which are harmful, and 50 of these chemicals can cause cancer.
3-Eat organic fruits and vegetables.
4-Reduce alcohol consumption.
5-Minimize consumption of processed meat.
6-Protect yourself from the sun.



Some treatment methods have a significant effect on the long-term removal of cancer cells. Radiation therapy and surgery are effective for treatment.
These treatments treat one spot of cancer.
One of the important factors that help save lives is early and timely diagnosis of cancer.









Dr. Aishen

Dr. Aishen is a doctor specializing in relief and rescue, with a professional doctorate in aid and relief, who obtained a specialty in aid and rescue after completing a general medical course and is currently cooperating with the Red Cross and Red Crescent Organization. Because of his interest in writing and informing others, he works as an editor and writer with usamedicalaid.com.

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