What is hepatitis B and who is exposed to this disease?
It is one of the diseases that always makes. People feel anxious, afraid, and uncomfortable when they hear the name of this disease.
However, not everyone will experience hepatitis in the same way, and the severity of the disease can vary from person to person.
Hepatitis B is a type of viral infection that causes in fiction and In Flammarion of the liver.
Hepatitis B means inflammation of the liver.
When the liver is inflamed, it is damaged and its functions are affected.
Hepatitis B is caused by the HBV virus.
Vaccination is the best way to prevent HBV infection.
What are The Symptoms of Hepatitis B?
There are two types of hepatitis B
1-Acute hepatitis.
2-Chronic hepatitis.
Hepatitis B varies from mild to severe.
The symptoms of this disease usually appear from one to four months after being infected.
70% of patients show acute symptoms of hepatitis B with the following symptoms.
These symptoms include:
1-mild fever.
2-tire dense.
3-loss of appetite.
4-nausea and vomiting.
5-abdominal pain.
6-dark or brown urine.
7-joint`s pain.
8-gaundice (eyes and skin).
10-Liver dysfunction.
Most patients whit chronic HBV do not show any symptoms.
About 25% of people with chronic hepatitis B virus infection die due to liver disease, and about a quarter of people whit hepatitis B develop liver cancer.
Who Can Get Hepatitis B?
Hepatitis B infection is caused by the HBV virus.
1-This virus is transmitted through risky sex.
2-It is transmitted through the blood.
3-Through a contaminated syringe that most people use to inject drugs.
4-It is transmitted from infected mothers to newborn children during childbirth.
Risky sex
If you have unprotected sex with someone who has hepatitis B, you with get hepatitis B.
If the blood, saliva, semen, and vaginal secretions of a person infected with the hepatitis B virus enter your body, you will be infected with hepatitis B.
People who have multiple sexual partners and men who have relationships with other men are at greater risk of contracting the hepatitis virus.
It is transmitted from an infected mother to her children
In areas where this disease is endemic, hepatitis B is transmitted mainly through an infected mother to her children.
This disease is transmitted from the mother infected with the hepatitis virus to the baby during children.
Ways to Contract Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B is highly contagious and can be transmitted through contact with semen, vaginal fluids, and blood.
Having vaginal, anal, or oral sex during intercourse (it is better to use condoms or protective covers to prevent hepatitis B.
Do not share razors and toothbrushes.
Using a syringe to inject substances, ear piercing tattoos, …
Hepatitis B is transmitted from an infected mother to her children.
Doctors and medical staff are at risk of contracting hepatitis B due to unsafe medical methods such as not using protective equipment (gloves, gowns, glasses).
This virus survives in the environment for 7 days, if it enters the body of a person who has not been vaccinated, she will be infected with the HBV virus.
There are Several Types of Hepatitis.
The most common hepatitis includes:
Hepatitis B, hepatitis A, hepatitis C.
Most people who have risky sex get hepatitis B.
In what ways is hepatitis B not transmitted
Cough or sneeze, water, and food, hugging an infected person sitting next to an infected person.
Ways to Prevent Hepatitis B
The Hepatitis B vaccine protects the body against hepatitis B.
The Hepatitis B vaccine is usually given in their doses over a period of 6 months.
If you travel to countries where hepatitis B is more common, it is better to complete the dose of the hepatitis vaccine before traveling.
Do not use shared syringes.
Using gloves in contact with blood products and wounds.
Do not share personal items such as nail clippers, toothbrushes, or razors.
Use a condom whenever you have sex.