What is the influenza

What is Influenza and What Parts of The Body are Involved in This Disease?

What is influenza and what parts of the body are involved in this disease?
What is the influenza

What is the influenza?

Influenza is a contagious respiratory viral disease that is transmitted by the virus of this disease from one person to another or animals and birds.
The influenza virus is very fond of colds, which is why the severity of the disease increases in the cold season of the year of course this disease is found in the summer season with less severity.

What part of the body does the flu affect?

Influenza is one of the most contagious diseases, and this disease is transmitted from birds to animals and humans this issue causes the power of contagion to increase and many people get involved in this disease.

Symptoms of influenza

This disease usually manifests itself with acute respiratory symptoms, severe headache, fever, chills, weakness, and muscle pain.

Are many cases, when the virus reaches the stomach, it causes diarrhea and vomiting.
Flu symptoms are confused with colds in the first days of illness because the symptoms of runny nose, sneezing, cough, sore throat, and fever are the same in flu and cold.

1- Fever above 38/8 degrees
2- Muscular pain
3- Sweating
4- Dry cough
5- Running nose
6- Eye pain
7- Sore throat
8- Diarrhea and vomiting
Symptoms are common between children and adults but more attention should be paid to children.


Body temperature varies between 38/8- and 41 degrees during influenza it takes about 3-7 days for the body temperature to return to normal.


Dry cough is common among children and adults these coughs may last 2to3 weeks in acute conditions, the disease causes shortness of breath and lack of oxygen in the patient’s body.

Muscular pain

Muscular pain in flu is more in the back, neck, things, and arms than in other parts of the body.
Sore throat:
Mostly due to a lot of coughing, it causes inflammation in the throat, and this inflammation causes severe pain in the throat when swallowing saliva.
Digestive problems:
When the virus enters the stomach throughout the month it causes pain nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.


Children due to their unwillingness to drink and cry more decreased urination they experience this disease more serenely than adults. influenza occurs suddenly in the body and the fever stays in the body for 3-7 days. Muscle pains are often severe, fever, chills, and fatigue are more common sneezing and nasal congestion rarely occur dry cough and chest discomfort are always more common in the flu severe headaches are also common.

Treatment of influenza

For quick treatment use warm liquids. Like tea use juices containing vitamin C. Fating chicken soup uses full warm liquids that cause the viruses to pass through the throat and leave the body through urination and sweating it also makes your body water stay normal and prevents dehydration.

Medicines also help to reduce the disease which the doctor will prescribe for us according to the severity of the disease.

Contrary to past habits, gargling with saltwater worsens the sore throat.

Ways to prevent the flu:

1-washing hands regularly and correctly
2- covering the mouth, nose, and ears in the cold season of the year
3-use a mask in crowded and closed places
4-Adequate rest and sleep also increases in the immune system in the body.
5-Eat foods that contain essential vitamins and protein Avoid eating sweets and excess
6-get the flu shot every year in early fall to prevent getting the flu.
7- drinking honey and lemon water due to having antioxidants and vitamin C every day to prevent the flu, of course, for those who are suffering from diabetes, please include this useful drink in your diet after consulting your doctor.

Dr. Aishen

Dr. Aishen is a doctor specializing in relief and rescue, with a professional doctorate in aid and relief, who obtained a specialty in aid and rescue after completing a general medical course and is currently cooperating with the Red Cross and Red Crescent Organization. Because of his interest in writing and informing others, he works as an editor and writer with usamedicalaid.com.

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