What is the essential vitamin of the body?
vitamins are essential nutrients for your body if the essential vitamins are not fully found in the body, the body will lose its health.
humans need a variety of vitamins to survive the best way to get all kinds of vitamins is to have a variety of food and use the four main food groups.
Vitamins are divided into two groups:
1-Water soluble vitamin
2-fat soluble vitamin
Water-soluble vitamin
Water-soluble vitamins remain in the body for a short time remain in the body for a short time every time you urinate, some vitamins leave the body since water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin B, folic acid, and vitamin C are excreted with each urination, try to consume fresh fruits and vegetables daily to maintain these vitamin.
Fat-soluble vitamins:
amines such as vitamins K, A, E, and D, which are not easily excreted from the body, and these vitamins are stored in the liver, if these vitamins enter the body in large quantities through medicinal supplements, it will cause poisoning.
It is better to get vitamins through food.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. The deficiency of this vitamin causes serious damage to visual net work the body needs vitamin A to maintain health and vitality we need vitamin A in the body to maintain healthy eyesight, strengthen the body`s immune system, and raise the level of the body`s immunity skin health wound healing.
After birth, children should receive vitamin A drops every day for better growth.
It is better to use vitamin A ointment to treat and heal wounds on the skin quickly vitamin A promotes rapid wound healing foods containing vitamin A calf liver and chicken liver fish, oil, egg, yolk, and carrot.
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B1 or thiamine is absorbed in to the blood through the intestines and plays an important role in the health of the nervous system alcohol consumption causes vitamin B1 not to be a absorbed by the body vitaminB1deficiency accuses barbary disease vitamin deficiency include cardiovascular disease, muscle weakness, anorexia, nausea, fever and weight loss, nervous system complications such as cerebral hemorrhage.
Foods containing vitamin B1
Legumes, liver, and sheep’s kidneys are rich in vitamin B1 which, should be consumed more during breastfeeding but if it is used excessively it causes poisoning.
Vitamin B2
V vitamin B2 or riboflavin is not produced in the body but must be taken in to the body must be taken in to the body through food vitamin B2 is soluble in water and is excreted time you urinate with the increase of this vitamin in the body, the color becomes dark yellow.
Symptoms of vitamin B2 deficiency include anemia celiac disease, and Crohn’s disease.
Food containing vitaminB2
Egg yolk, fish, soy, liver, wheat grains, type of cabbage, beans carrots, apples, and green vegetables are rich in vitaminB2.
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B3 or niacin is one of the useful microunits for body metabolism and nervous system function vitamin B3 is water-soluble, which is removed from the body every time you urinate.
Water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body, and we must get these vitamins from daily food.
Headache, diarrhea, depression, and skin problems are symptoms of vitamin B3 deficiency in the body, vitamin B3 reduces bad cholesterol.
Food containing vitamin B3
Liver, chicken breast, salmon and tuna, turkey potatoes, eggs, sunflower seeds, mushrooms, and peanuts they contain large amounts of vitamin B3.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 or pyridox is one of the micronutrients for meant aiming the immune system, blood oxygen, transport, and normal brain development vitamin B6 is soluble in water and is not stored in the body, every time you urinate this vitamin is absorbed by the body through food one of the important functions of vitamin B6 is to make antibodies necessary to defend the body against viruses and bacteria vitamin B6 deficiency causes a decrease in oxygen in blood hemoglobin if this vitamin enters the body more than normal it causes poisoning if there is enough vitaminB6 in the body, it helps to reduce heart attack, prevent anemia and Alzheimer`s disease vitamin B6 .abundantly found in fresh fruit and vegetables, grains.
Vitamin B9 or folic acid
Folic acid or vitamin B9 is one of the most important vitamins necessary for the body this vitamin plays a vital and important role in pregnancy in preventing birth defects of the fetus this vitamin is found in most vegetables and fresh fruits this vitamin is soluble in water and is excreted every time you urinate.
Benefits of Vitamin B9
1_Maintaining heart health and preventing atherosclerosis
2_ Prevention of all types of cancer
3_ prevention of anemia, weakness, fatigue, pale skin
During pregnancy, the body’s need for vitamin B9 increases.
Foods containing folic acid or folate
Liver, oysters, cabbage, legumes, sunflowers seeds ،pum pkin seeds, vegetables with dark leaves, egg yolk, sheep’s milk.
Vitamin B12 or cobalamin
Vitamin B12 or cobalamin is one of the most important vitamins strengthening the nervus system, bone health, and the production of blood cells in the body vitamin B12 is not stored in the body, but you must get it every day from foods that cantain protein vitamin B12, like other.