Kidney Anatomy
What do you know about Kidney and Kidney Anatomy?
Kidney Structure
In this article, we want to write about the anatomy and structure of the kidney, the shape, and characteristics of the kidney, and kidney diseases.

One of the most beautiful and amazing creations of God in the human body is the structure of the kidneys.
Every human has 2 kidneys weighing 120 -170 grams and measuring 12×6×3cm.
Kidneys are bean-shaped organs of the body.
If we want to know the approximate size of each kidney is slightly larger than the closed fist of each person.
There are kidneys in the body of all vertebrates which are red-brown in color.
The kidneys are located in their proportioned Regi on and the spin between the kidneys.
The right kidney is slightly lower than the left kidney due to its location under the liver.
What is the main function of the kidneys?
The main job of the kidneys is to purify the blood and excrete waste through urine.
The kidneys filter about 100 to 120 ml of blood pumped from the heart every minute, and 5 liters of blood are filtered in the body every hour.
Blood enters the kidneys through the veins and after passing through the kidneys and purifying the toxic substances from the blood, it enters the blood circulation again through the veins.
Nephrons are functional, structural, and microscopic units in kidneys.
There are about 1 million nephrons in each of the kidneys, so the kidneys have 2milion nephrons.
The formation of urine starts from the nephrons and enters the separating ducts.
The separating ducts are not part of the nephron.
Parts of the length of nephrons are twisted on the type of twist.
Components of Nephrons
1-Bowman`s capsule
2-Twisted pipe: In this part, many twists can be seen compared to other twists movement in this tube
3-Henle`s tube: An interface between two tubes is twisted and U shaped.
The tube of Henle can be seen in the cortical and central parts.
4-separating ducts: Separatory ducts are thicker than nephrons
To other nephrons and the number of collecting tubules is less than nephron tubules.
Types of Kidney Disease
We need a pair of healthy kidneys for health
1-Urinary tract infection: One of the main symptoms and causes of kidney disease is urinary infection and urinary infection can be easily treated
2-Polycystic kidney disease: A genetic disorder that causes the growth of numerous small fluid sace in the kidneys
3-Glomerulonephritis: Glomerulonephritis are small structures of each kidney that collect blood
4- kidney stone: One of the most common problems of kidney diseases is the excretion of kidney stones, which are usually painful and enter the administrative channels through the ureter it is excreted through urine.
5-Chronic kidney disease: High blood pressure and diabetes are both major causes of chronic kidney disease Diabetes and high blood pressure both cause kidney dysfunction
Symptoms of Diseases Kidney
1-Difficulty concentrating
3-sleep problem
5-swelling of the legs, especially the ankles
6-Puffiness around the eyes when walking up
7-Dry and flaky skin
8-Frequent urination
If the disease is serious, the symptoms will change
3-Loss of appetite
4-Change in urination
5-Urinary retention
6-Anemia is a decrease in red blood cells
Way of diagnosis: See a doctor first the questions that the doctor asks you help a lot in diagnosing the disease.
Answer the doctor`s questions correctly and completely.
Tell your doctor you have a high-risk disease
For a more detailed examination, the doctor will ask you to undergo CT ultrasound tests.
Important kidney tests include CT, ultrasound, glomeruli,
Urine test, blood creatinine, blood test.
Change in habits and diet is one of the important parameters in controlling kidney disease.
Recommendations for the prevention of kidney diseases
1-Use foods that are low in calcium.
2-Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
3-Use low-fat dairy products.
4-Limit or completely smoking and drinking alcohol.
5-have a slimming diet.
6-Do not forget to exercise.
7-Drink plenty of water and fluids.
Kidney Structure Diagram and Kidney Anatomy, Kidney structire