Blood Pressure
What is Blood Pressure?
If we put all the blood vessels together, their length will be 95 thousand kilometers.
These vessels circulate 4-5 liters of blood in the body every day it delivers oxygen and valuable nutrients to body tissues.
Blood exerts pressure on the muscular wall of blood vessels and this is the same blood pressure that increases and decreases with the heartbeat.

What is blood pressure:
it is the pressure exerted by the left ventricle of the human heart when pumping blood to the walls of the arterial vessels.
Blood pressure reaches its highest level when the heart contracts to force blood into the vessels, this pressure is called (systolic pressure)
When the heart is resting between beats, blood pressure reaches its lowest level, which is called diastolic blood pressure
A healthy person’s blood pressure is between 90- and 120 mm hg systolic, And 60 to 80 mm hg of mercury is diastolic.

Several factors can increase blood pressure:
Factors such as stress, anxiety, eating, caffeine consumption, salt, smoking, or lack of exercise increase blood presser.
Stress and anxiety also release hormones such as epinephrine and norepinephrine, which create resistance to blood flow, resulting in high blood pressure.
High blood pressure:
High blood pressure is one of the most common problems and diseases that can cause cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks, and kidney failure.

What is high blood pressure?
High blood pressure means high pressure caused by blood hitting the vessel wall.
Arteries are the vessels that carry blood from the heart to all parts of the body.
Symptoms of high blood pressure:
Severe and throbbing headache, blurred vision, feeling of pulse in the head and neck, fatigue, chest.
Causes of high blood pressure:
The most important cause of high blood pressure is wrong lifestyle, obesity, inactivity, and genetic disease, for treatment, you should see a cardiologist.
The best time to measure blood pressure is first thing in the morning after urination.
Effective drugs for high blood pressure:
The medicine that the doctor prescribes for high blood pressure is known as blood pressure medicine.
The function of the drugs is as follows:
It lessens the body’s hydration and salt levels.
lowers the heart rate.
One of the most effective drugs in lowering blood pressure is a sublingual nitrate drug.
Diet in high blood pressure:
Foods containing potassium, magnesium, and calcium are effective in improving blood pressure.
Low consumption of saturated fat and foods containing sodium is effective in reducing blood pressure.
Bananas, plums, oranges, figs, grapefruits, and peaches are fruits rich in potassium.
Wheat germ, peanuts, potatoes, spinach, milk, bran bread, chicken, and fish are rich in calcium.
Blood Pressure